Comments on: So… It’s Kung Fu Panda After All? Journeys and Musings of an Ex-Hardcore Raider Fri, 24 Aug 2012 21:32:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: flosch Fri, 24 Aug 2012 21:32:58 +0000 Funny enough, I never was a huge fan of the Warcraft games. I did like the world though when I picked up WoW. So when the world disappeared more and more, I got detached from what was left more and more. In the end, after not only the world disappeared, but also the people I inhabited it with, it was time to move on.

By: Ahtchu Fri, 24 Aug 2012 14:59:09 +0000 After 10 years, there was so much greatness in Warcraft that they needed to make a World out of it. And it was awesome.
Then, they started to remove the World from ‘World of Warcraft’. Some of us cried foul! Not all of us could see quite yet.
Now, they are removing the Warcraft from ‘of Warcraft’. The remainders of us crying foul! Most of us have left already.
Soon, very soon, there will be nothing left to speak ‘of’.

By: flosch Mon, 20 Aug 2012 07:02:41 +0000 I didn’t buy the annual pass, so I never saw the beta. So, for me, what you’re saying is what will happen exactly. I’ll stay away, for now. 😉

By: Kadomi Mon, 20 Aug 2012 06:38:58 +0000 I am in total agreement with you! I watched it and saw nothing but Kung Fu Panda. If I hadn’t played the beta and enjoyed it, I would stay away from this expansion. If they were trying to make a point that MoP is more than the Kung Fu panda trope, they did it wrong. I felt the trailer was disappointing.
