Comments on: EON stops the printing presses forever Journeys and Musings of an Ex-Hardcore Raider Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:29:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: flosch Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:29:17 +0000 No, I’m not playing Eve any more. In the end, there are two main things that annoy me: one is that there is so much downtime around the exciting moments. That’s, I guess, a general sandbox problem, if content is mostly provided by other players stopping by, and I could live with it. The other problem is that it’s just not a game for me. I just can’t ignore for too long at a time the destructive mindset in Eve. I prefer constructive settings. That doesn’t mean I’ll never wander back to Eve. But it will probably not happen too soon, and there’s a good chance that if it happens, it won’t for too long. Though I am tempted to resub just to get the bonus skill points when they revamp battlecruisers. I have to restrain myself, since what benefit are free skillpoints if you don’t play in the end?

In fact, I haven’t really played any MMO this year yet. I haven’t played much, period. I hope I’ll get back into it at some point, but general workload and trying to practice piano again took a good amount of my time.

EON was expensive, true. It took a a ridiculous discount (something like 50% off or something like that) to get me to order it. It was a very nice magazine though, for a game magazine.

By: HarbingerZero Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:04:30 +0000 Welcome back! Are you still playing Eve these days? I finally wandered back in myself about a week ago.

I always wanted the EON mag, but the prize was just way too high for me. Even now, if you want digital backcopies – it will cost you more than buying just about any regular current magazine printed, shipped, and sitting on a news stand.
