MMO-Champion announced today that the WoW documentary “The Raid” will have a live online screening tonight. Actually, it is a reminder, but I missed the original message, so to me, it’s as good as an initial announcement.
I haven’t heard much about the film yet; most was somewhat silly arguments about how “the film was out of date” because it focused on ICC. I guess some people are not aware of post-production (although, depending on when they shot the footage, they should’ve had one year by now – that would be ample). There were also some complaints that it made look every raider like a basement dweller. The short trailer doesn’t tell you much in that respect.
The main problem to me is that they chose a quite ridiculous time for their stream, from a European point of view. Seriously, half of those interested, easily, will be here, and you chose 6PM PST? That’s 3AM CEST. And that translates to “aww come on”. Why not 6PM EST? That would have been a decent time for everbody. (Except the Aussies. Sorry, but you are not quite as many over there.)
Nevertheless, if I stay up that long (and I intend to), I’ll watch it to get some first-hand impressions, and I’ll report them here.