All posts by flosch

Schoolyard Bullies

Go and read this:

Then decide whether you want to laugh or cry. Short version: Feldon, tireless tinkerer behind EQ2Wire, one of the most, if not the most useful EQ2 site (news, armory, gear lookups, etc. all in one place) is bullied by some guy who claims he has a trademark on a character name, despite the fact that

  1. EQ2Wire only provides a WoW-armory-like frontend to API data that is publicly accessible from SOE servers,
  2. the claim that a character name infringes on his wordmark because, among many other things, is registered for a classification that, again among many other things,  includes “Game services provided on-line from a computer network” sounds quite spurious,
  3. the character was named before his trademark was registered.

I especially like the part where the guy says

I can not understand why do you make such trouble. The easy way is delete it. You can then tell your client that he breaks laws. What is easier for you? deleting ONE user or making your website unavailable for all European countries?

I can’t help but read this in a fake Italian Mafia movie voice: “Luigi, why are you making-a this so difficult-a for me-a?” This, by the way, is also where the bullying comes in. You could, of course, try to explain your points and give proof to your claims instead of shouting “IT’S VERBOOOOTEN!” and having Feldon run around and do the footwork. But why if it’s easier to just claim someone’s website will be offline in all of Europe (yeah right) at a snap of your finger?

Despite the outlandish sounds of this silliness, the guy isn’t actually completely out of his mind in all points, I’m afraid. Though thankfully, his claims at least look haphazardly stitched together. The guy is probably annoyed that after (supposedly) tanking his business and letting expire his domain, one of the first hits on google is to a Dark Elf character on Antonia Bayle who likes to RP evil, and claims some unsavory deeds in his character’s biography, such as “murder, treason, and poisioning[sic] the Qeynos water supply”.

Despite coming from a family of law practitioners, I never studied it myself, so I won’t try and give my non-expert opinion here. But it’s probably not a 100% frivolous claim, as much as I wished it were. If you look long and hard enough at each point, you can find things you could argue in favor of that guy, if you had to. I hope Feldon will have a chance to talk to SOE (as a premier EQ2 site, he seems to have some good contacts over there), and maybe can get an opinion from their legal department. Hopefully, they’ll tell him not to worry, and either rename the character (the sad solution), or give him some big company backing (since this indirectly also touches the issue of their public API data), and hope the guy reconsiders after he’s called on his bluff.

Of course, chances for the sad solution are much higher because it requires less work and expenses from SOE’s side.

This is the world we’re living in, girls and boys.

If I had the money, I’d be thinking about registering every single character name I ever used as a wordmark now. These days, playing the stupid trademark game seems to be the only way to get rid of the scourge of trademark frivolity.

FFXIV: Beta 3 Impressions, Part 2

It took me a bit longer to get around to writing this post, due to the holy trinity of EVE Alliance Tournament, EQ2 double-XP weekend, and awesome summer days over the weekend. So let’s finally have a look at the points I scribbled into my notebook and that didn’t fit into my last post.

Social Interactions

In the beta, social interactions were a bit of a mixed bag. At first, I was appalled at how little people spoke in general channel. This was until I realized that there is no general channel. Now, I’m not a big fan of the inevitable “Anal Barrens” chat that seems to follow large groups of people in MMOs. In that way, it was very nice not to see the ugly side of the community exposed like that. On the other hand, I have to wonder whether this really is the better solution? There are still shouts, after all. Thankfully, nobody abused them much during the beta. I wonder how that will play out on live though.

The training dungeons I mentioned in the last post were pretty bad when it came to interaction. Nobody seemed to talk except for an occasional “hi” or “よろしく” in the beginning. No communication meant some fights didn’t go as well as they could have gone. In the actual dungeons, communication was a bit better. It very much depended on the group. Most people were still pretty quiet, but those that talked mostly were quite nice. I even had two dungeon groups with people I noted the names down (friend system didn’t work properly during the beta) because it was so much fun to play with them. The only outright negative experiences I made in dungeons were one person who was obnoxious and berated our tank who, to be fair, was quite terrible. He said he was new to it though, and became better and better during the run, all while I was telling the impatient DPS to STFU and encouraging the tank and giving suggestions. It pays off sometimes to be a class in demand. Who knows whether I might’ve been able to do the same if I had been DPS. The other situation was with a a person who seemed extremely clueless and didn’t listen to the helpful explanation by someone who had done the dungeon before. I suspect language differences might’ve been a problem here, although the player claimed to speak English.

Speaking of language differences: One of the coolest features of the game, and one I’m looking forward to, is the language choice in the dungeon finder. When you choose dungeons to run, you also choose which servers (from which language group, not individually; sadly , no “local only” option) you are willing to play with. This gives me the possibility to play with Japanese players, which I’m looking forward to a lot. I’m not sure how realistic this hope is, but at least on the weekends, I should be able to have ample time overlap with Japanese players. Who knows, maybe I’ll even be able to practice my Japanese a bit that way!

Mouse+Keyboard or Gamepad?

This is obviously a trick question, because I don’t see how you could ever play a game like that with a gamepad. Of course, I also have no idea how you could ever play a first-person shooter with a gamepad, so it’s probably a question of just getting used to. To be fair, the gamepad input is actually not too shabby. you choose “wheels” with the shoulder keys and then an ability on the wheel by pressing the dpad or button direction. I assume the game will not end up with the huge amount of abilities that, for example, EQ2 has, where a keyboard is almost not enough any more to access all your abilities. For casual strolling around and easy fights, I can see myself using my gamepad every now and then (which works well on my PC). For anything serious though, it’s back to tried and true input systems. There is not a lot of use to the gamepad in group situations either, because I’d need the keyboard anyway to write. I hope most PS3 players have a USB keyboard by now, because without it, the game will probably be very frustrating for them. Good thing you can get a cheap one for a fraction of a monthly subscription.


Maybe not being able to use the gamepad in hot situations is also because I have the feeling I haven’t understood all UI elements yet. Have a look at this picture I posted last time:

Overall, the UI looks sleek and not overloaded. A lot of information is conveyed via icons that take little screen estate, which I like. However, I simply haven’t figured out yet what a lot of them mean.

At the top left are the party bars. That’s easy. Name, class, health, mana, buffs, debuffs. The “S in a circle” means that the player has been mentored down automatically. If you join a low-level dungeon group, you area automatically mentored to an appropriate level. What do the “L” and the “A” mean, though?

When you look at the other group members’ name plates, you see a “play”-like icon next to their name. Does that mean they’re in a group with me? I saw people with different kinds of icons next to their name over the course of the weekend, but I never figured out what exactly they meant.

What stumps me most, and gives me the feeling that I haven’t figured out a vital method yet to improve my performance are the bars to the middle left. They show a list of all enemies you are engaged with at that moment. Each of them gets a letter that starts at “A” when you enter a zone, and just increments and cycles over after reaching “Z”. I’m almost sure it must mean that I can choose enemies directly via that character, without having to click them on the field or resort to tab-targeting (which feels awfully clunky and unfocused in the game, btw). If there is an easy way to choose your target from there, it will give an immense increase to my gamepad performance, too. One of the biggest problems I had with the gamepad was targeting the right mob, and jumping back and forth between them quickly if necessary. Then again, the markers are letters, so I’m not sure how that would tie in with a gamepad.

What will I play at launch?

I started the game as an archer with my eyes on the bard class. Bards are a combination of archer and conjurer (30 ARC / 15 CNJ) and trade in some DPS for group buffs. However, at the moment, I’m not quite sure about them. From what I’ve read, it feels like bards are a far cry from purebred bards in other games. FFXIV’s bards really sound more like “archer DPS with some minor buffs”. In addition, I realized that I like the conjurer class quite well. So I’ll probably start with that. It gives me the possibility to switch to bard via archer later on, or to pick up gladiator levels and go the “prime healer” white mage route (30 CNJ / 15 GLD) or become a tank by going for paladin (15 CNJ / 30 GLD). To be honest, I think being able to fill both roles with so little overlap is almost ridiculously good.

One thing I like about the conjurer is a toggle ability called “cleric stance”  that allows you to increase your DPS and decrease your healing. It’s almost insta-cast, so it allows for a lot of stance-dancing during fights. Switch into cleric stance, do some damage. Switch out when people’s health starts dropping. Heal a bit, switch back. It’s hard to put into words, but this seesaw-like play feels very engaging: nuke enemies a bit, then pick up the tank when he’s starting to drop  then go back to nuking. With a few mixin spells from the Thaumaturge, the damage might actually be respectable for someone who’s primarily brought for heals.

Final Words

I’m looking forward to FFXIV’s release. I’m still not convinced about every last thing in the game, and I’m not sure it’ll stay in my rotation for more than the proverbial 3 months, but I have some hope. Finally, there is one thing going for the game: Since WoW, I don’t think there has been an MMO released to such a powerful gaming franchise. There were games such as SWTOR, but they were not backed by a franchise that is primarily about gaming.[1] That might be an important factor in retaining your player base. You know better who you’re catering to, it’s more of a known entity than if you franchise comes from outside gaming. If the player base stays stable, I think my chance of staying in the game will also rise. The number of servers doesn’t seem to be ludicrously high, either, so there might not be the typical wave of expansion and contraction, which will probably help a lot if it works out.

[1] Hmm… Ok, so there was WAR, but let’s not talk about that. Plus, I don’t think FFXIV will fail like WAR. If only because WAR failed so hard…

Wrong Audience

If it is true that 96% of all EVE Online players are male, it is probably safe to assume that most viewers of the EVE Alliance Tournament video stream are, too. I therefore would not have expected to see so many ads for feminine cosmetics and hygiene products.

(Or it’s a personalized ad thing and it has problems profiling me. Facebook is likewise hilariously off whenever I log in and look at the ad sidebar.)

Heads Up: Alliance Tournament

If you’re an EVE player, you probably know about this. If, on the other hand, you’re like me and you’re interested in the game in theory, but rarely play it, you might miss this event otherwise. (I nearly did, I just yesterday asked myself “hasn’t it been a year since the last tournament?”)


For the next three weekends, starting tomorrow, 20 July, the 11th installment EVE Alliance Tournament will take place. Fights start at 13:30 EVE time (15:30 CEST, 9:30 EDT) and continue until 22:00, with a dinner break (or afternoon tea, if that fits your timezone better), each Saturday and Sunday until 4 August. Fights and commentaries will be streamed live, as explained here.

Even though I haven’t actively played EVE in almost a year, I’ll have a look. Last year, I enjoyed watching the fights. I think it’s my preferred form of PvP: watching other people bash each other’s heads in.

What makes fights good or bad? (or: why do most dynamic events suck?)

When I described my experiences with the FFXIV beta, I also talked about their implementation of short, in-the-world, invasion type events (Rifts, public quests, etc.):

FFXIV adds the en-vogue public event things, were you have a marker on your map and then rush off to mash your buttons like crazy to kill stuff and get XP. Never been a big fan of those either, because it seems the best solution to large amounts of players that developers have come up with so far is scaling the HP of mobs to ridiculous levels, which makes these events tedious, but still not really a social thing, because everybody just mashes buttons and then leaves without a word after the enemy keels over.

Bhagpuss argues in a comment:

[M]y favorite innovation in MMOs of late is the huge all-pile-on fights you don’t like. I can happily mash buttons for hours in a huge crowd fighting a big monster – what’s not to like about that?

I’ll try to give my personal answer to this question in the form of a post. I’ll probably make it sound like a law of design, but I’m quite sure it isn’t. I just tried to order my thoughts into categories that make sense to me. The “why” is certainly an open question to me, and you’re welcome to point out flaws or suggest additional aspects.

I came up with three factors that make fights good for me:

  1. Meaningful Interaction
  2. Rhythm
  3. Variation

Meaningful Interaction: I am with a group of people. We see a fearsome monster. How should we tackle it? Do I have abilities that debuff the monster in ways that increases the effectiveness of my party members? Do they have abilities that do the same for me? Part of the fun can be figuring out those combos and putting them to use. That’s a bit like using combos in card games such as Magic. This kind of interaction is meaningful because it provides fun due to interaction of mechanics. Another meaningful interaction would be outside the mechanics of the game, and purely social. It’s what old EQ players like to tell the younglings when they gather round a fire. Sitting in a location for hours and talking to each other while waiting for carefully paced respawns popping. Which leads me to the next point…

Rhythm: Good fights should provide me with a rhythm of action and downtime. That rhythm comes naturally if I am on my own and not on some sort of timed quests. I can roam around and pull mobs whenever I feel like it. I can pull them as fast or as slow as I want (provided I am careful with social or proximity aggro). It can also happen within a single longer fight, where high-DPS abilities and phases with longer cooldowns alternating with slower phases with less damage output. In a group with meaningful interactions, this can be even more pronounced by cooldown pacing of all members of the groups, stacking them or at least keeping track of other member’s abilities.

Variation: The Romans knew it already: variatio delectat. Alternating melee mobs with casters, high damage dealers with healers, and so on, provides variation that can prevent dullness. In larger and longer fights this can appear as fight phases with different tactics, or with specialized roles for players that may even be rotated among them (e.g., an ability has to be interrupted or an item interacted with every 15 seconds, but doing so gives you a 60-second cooldown).

Now, I don’t think it’s required to have all these things at the same time, all the time. But in the absence of all of them, dullness can creep in. The type of “dynamic event”/”public quest”/Rift/Fate (is there a generally-understood umbrella term for those?) I’m thinking of has none of those three, more often than not. It does not have meaningful interaction, because everybody mashes buttons as fast as possible, without any regard to other players. Rhythm is invariably off. In larger groups in Rift, most public event monsters died before I could even finish a cast as a mage. In FFXIV, we had events with single monsters that didn’t do anything but hit like a wet towel, but had the HP of an oil tanker. The fact that they didn’t do anything but hit the player at the top of the aggro list also meant that there was no variation to the fight.

I’ve seen this happen too often with dynamic events, which is why I think most of them produce bad fights and nothing good enough to offset that. They often feel like a missed opportunity. Maybe there are design decisions or limitations that make it incredibly hard to make engaging events, but the current iteration stinks.

FFXIV: Beta 3 Impressions, Part 1

This post is getting much longer than I expected, and I’m still a bit short on time, so in the end, I decided to push out the first part for now, and hopefully will be able to write the second part until Friday. The length is mostly because I kept meandering from topic to topic, so even though I tried to structure this post a bit, it’s still somewhat stream-of-consciousness.

Beta 3, the first one I got a key for, has come and gone. Our characters are by now all tossed into the bit bucket. If the next step is open beta, like the plans seem to say, we’ll get a freshly wiped slate, but those characters then will roll over into live. And I said this phase was a publicity stunt… Anyway, now is a good time to write down a couple of my impressions from the beta: memory still fresh enough, and nothing else to do anyway (well, there’s of course playing other games, which… no, I’ll stay strong!)


The leveling is mostly quest-based and follows the tropes of “kill 10 rats, collect 5 bear asses, deliver this letter to over there”. Some quests are a bit unusual though, as the one that required you to get ready for your new challenges and present yourself in all gear that requires at least level 5. Too bad that none of the quest actually reward pants! I think this dearth of pants is starting to become a conspiracy, I tell you… It felt like this quest showed FFXIV’s heritage as a console single-player game, in that I had been sent to check out the NPC vendors as introductory quest when I first reached town, and I guess I was supposed to just buy pants from a vendor. Which I eventually did… after all other means were exhausted and I was already level 10. So, note to self: vendors in this game might actually be useful occasionally, instead of being just a reverse vending machine you dump all your trash loot on. Speaking of which: I don’t think there is any. Everything that drops is used in some way, mostly for crafting.

FFXIV adds the en-vogue public event things, were you have a marker on your map and then rush off to mash your buttons like crazy to kill stuff and get XP. Never been a big fan of those either, because it seems the best solution to large amounts of players that developers have come up with so far is scaling the HP of mobs to ridiculous levels, which makes these events tedious, but still not really a social thing, because everybody just mashes buttons and then leaves without a word after the enemy keels over. But that’s not really a FFXIV-specific problem, I’ve seen it work like that in every game so far that had these types of events.

The main story line seems to be ok, though it’s hard for me to get massively engaged into it yet. Who cares though, main story lines are more of a distraction anyway. An important distraction in this game though: you can’t play dungeons before your story line gives you a reason to go there and explore them as a quest objective. Thankfully, you will only have to do endure this kind of gating once because there really is no reason other than personal preference to ever roll an alt. Combat is harder than in many more “mature” (=older) games, probably because the game hasn’t gone through several rounds of mudflation and streamlining. I actually died quite a few times over the weekend. Things will probably get easier naturally over time, because of multiclassing and in the future, having helper abilities from your other classes even when starting out at level 1 with a new class again.

Class Design

This is the main reason leveling will get easier in the future, and why there’s no reason to roll alts from a game mechanics point of view. FFXIV has no limit on how many classes your character can be. There is nothing that prevents you from being a 43 Archer, 17 Gladiator, 34 Thaumaturge, and 26 Conjurer. However, you can only have exactly one “main class” at any point in time. Switching is as easy as changing your weapon (which defines your class), but you will only be awarded experience toward your main class. However, depending on your main class’s level, you will be able to mix in 1 to 10 abilities from other classes. In a way, the system is like a more restricted version of TSW’s ability wheel. The order in which you acquire abilities is fixed (like in level-based games), you only have one main class (as opposed to two main weapons), and each class can only mix in some abilities of other classes instead of the total freedom TSW gives you.  For example, a Conjurer can use very few Archer skills (because I guess you need a bow for most, duh), but a somewhat larger amount of Gladiator spells.

This makes sense in a way, because on top of classes, there are “jobs”, something that other games might have called “prestige classes”. For example, once you reach 30 Archer and 15 Conjurer, you can become a Bard, and at 30 Gladiator and 15 Conjurer a Paladin. This will award you some extra prestige abilities, though I’m not sure yet how exactly you level your job. It might either be tied to the higher of the two contributing classes, or maybe you can then choose that job as a class that will level on its own.

Overall, I like the idea of that system. Even at low levels, it can be fun to mix one class’s cooldown into another class for some extra hurt or heal. It will probably allow for some experimenting with builds, though sadly not to the extent TSW allows. Then again, TSW is famous for giving you the opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot really bad with gimped builds, so I guess I can’t blame the FFXIV developers for trying to limit players from doing too much harm to themselves. Different philosophies, I guess.

World & Dungeons

I had the chance to try out the first three dungeons in the beta. The first one is a cave with lots of pirates, the second a mausoleum with cultists, and the third an overrun mine. (See how many tropes you can spot there if you compare it to popular low-level dungeon settings from other games). As starter dungeons, these all felt appropriate in their difficulty. Most mechanics are obviously on the simple side: kill adds, prevent adds from spawning by clicking item, etc. By the third dungeon, the complexity scales up a bit by requiring you to kill mobs in a timely fashion, either because they multiply, or because they will prevent your from triggering an ability to made the boss vulnerable.

Tabascun as a conjurer. Much more modest.

Tabascun as a conjurer. Much more modest.

When I noticed that dungeon queues were quite long for my Archer because he’s DPS (surprise!), I decided to try out the conjurer class. It’s the only healing class at low levels, and I wanted to try it out anyway. Suddenly, I got instant queues (surprise again!). First of all, for those that weren’t happy about the archer’s care-free way of (not) covering himself, let me tell you that mage-affine classes seem to be more conservative in their attire choices. Not much uncovered skin here! And while I didn’t play a female character, this seemed to again hold true across gender divisions.

I never really broke much of a sweat healing those early dungeons, except for once, when I mistargeted and healed myself instead of the tank, which promptly killed him and wiped the group because I noticed too late and couldn’t recover. While I can’t comment on the quality of pug healers for obvious reasons, pug tanks seemed to be a mixed bag. Many seemed to know what they were doing, but I also got a bunch of tanks that were rarely able to hold aggro on more than one mob, which lead to a lot of kiting and (silent) cursing on my part. Also to being chain-stunned or -silenced, and wipes. But I guess people still need to get to know their abilities, and they might be limited at lower levels, so I can’t complain too much. I’m curious what the other dungeons will bring. Not only did beta characters cap out at level 35, the list of dungeons didn’t even include any over 32, so I have no idea how many there will be in the game at launch.

Obligatory dungeon picture. I'm not good with screenshots, so this is the best I found. This is from the first dungeon, close to the end. This one was a good run. Look, I'm DPSing! (More about that next time.)

Obligatory dungeon picture. I’m not good with screenshots, so this is the best I found. This is from the first dungeon, close to the end. This one was a good run. Look, I’m even DPSing! (More about that next time.)

I have to say though that the world doesn’t feel very large. It’s as if Square-Enix has to hide something there, because I couldn’t find a decent “world map” view in the game, just zone connection maps which never seemed to cover everything. But it looks like we get three main cities, and each of them surrounded by about 4 zones that each share a common theme: Gridania is surrounded by woods, Limsa-Lominsa by grasslands, and Ul’dah by desert. (Snow is conspicuously missing, not that I miss it. Always been more a desert than a tundra person.) The zones seem to be about average in size, so I would say we’re looking at a game world that spans one continent the size of about Kalimdor (so 50% of what WoW provided at release). That’s definitely on the light side, and when I talked about it with other players, I heard that it supposedly was the same for FFXI too at release, but they were relatively fast and steady at extending the world. Let’s hope that is true and will stay true for this game. What is definitely nice, though, is that there doesn’t seem to be a strong level segregation: I wandered into level 30 and 40 areas several times when traveling from one level-10 area to another. That gives the world a nice touch, and maybe will help bringing high-level players out into the world close to the low-level players. That way, they could help them and maybe even level a secondary class in the process by “mentoring down” into a different class they haven’t leveled yet.

Crafting & Gathering

Crafting is quite well-designed in this game. It’s similar to crafting in EQ2 and Vanguard, though not quite as deep (especially not as deep as Vanguard). You make sure you have the ingredients, choose a recipe, and a window with additional information opens.

Durability and CP (crafting points) count down as you use your abilities. Abilities mostly increase progress or quality. Increasing the quality meter increases the chance to produce a high-quality item. Crafting ends when you finish the progress bar (item is created, with a certain HQ probability), or when you run out of durability. In that case, no item is created, and you lose all or part of the ingredients used. Beware, especially as abilities can fizzle and leave you without enough durability points to finish the item. It’s actually a quite nice mini game, and I guess at higher levels, you’ll be able to have a reasonably high chance to create lower-level high-quality items. Another way to increase your chance of HQ success is to use high-quality ingredients. Some of them are created by yourself. For example, many items need some sort of leather that you first create out of hide from animals. If you create HQ leather, you can use it as an ingredient to start with a boost during item creation.

Me kneeling over my workbench. Crafting window at the top left. CP replace MP at the bottom during crafting. At level 3, you still only have one crafting ability, which increases progress, but not quality. You get more to choose from as you level.

Me kneeling over my workbench. Crafting window at the top left. CP replace MP at the bottom during crafting. At level 3, you still only have one crafting ability, which increases progress, but not quality. You get more to choose from as you level.

From my low-level experience, the very first levels fly by, but around level 15, everything slows down considerably, and you will probably need to grind quite a lot to reach level 50. This is for two reasons: (1) Every item gives you an XP bonus on first creation, but since you only get about 2-3 new items for each level, and you need to create more and more items at higher levels, that bonus becomes less relevant. (2) Most items require at least 2-3 materials that you have to collect out in the wild. Most items not only require, for example, leather, but also some sort of crystals, for reasons I’m not sure. (I mean, I see them in the crafting window, but what is the in-world explanation for needing those? Who knows.) At level 14, I started to run dry on the appropriate crystals. So knock yourself out farming these. Maybe if you also pick up a gathering class, you will be able to collect these more easily. The concept for those “disciples of the land” sounds interesting, with gathering quests that send you out into the world and such; sadly, I did not have the time to test them out during the beta.

In any case, the grind makes it seem like it might take some time to cap out the crafting levels. I fear it might also mean that normal crafted items will be nearly worthless, because they will be created in high numbers, just to grind level. The low chance of creating high-quality items at-level might make those sellable though. Oh, one last thing: to make crafting (disciples of the hand) and crafting (disciples of the land) classes feel more like actual classes, there is equipment, as in outfits and tools, that boost your abilities to craft and gather. All of those, as far as I can see, are created by crafters, so nice touch there.

Next time

I plan to talk about a couple of things in part 2. These include (but if it goes like this time and I remember additional stuff during writing, will not be limited to) “gamepad or keybard+mouse?”, social interactions, a look at the UI, and “will I play at launch, and if so, what class (first)?”.

Force People to Read. Hilarity Ensues.

Beta 3 for Final Fantasy XIV has ended. I’m working on an overview post that gives my opinions on the game, but there is one thing that I think deserves its own posts (if only because it’s too much of a detour in the larger post).

FFXIV has a dungeon finder. That I’m not a big fan of, but I guess it’s the evil we have to live with these days. What’s new is that, probably to prepare people for dungeon mechanics, the dungeon finder also provides a sort of  “training dungeons” that are basically single rooms with a fight that has one educational objective: Pull single mobs or small groups from a room, handle adds that spawn during a boss fight, etc. A very good idea overall. I love it, more games should have it. The scenario I enjoyed most though was the “turtle fight”. The idea is that some rich eccentric guy’s “pet turtle” (which is about twice as large as a player character) has been kidnapped, and he wants it back. I enjoyed the scenario for two reasons: first, the fight was fairly complex for a level 15 challenge. It is ridiculously easy if you do it right (because mob strength is undertuned to make for a training experience with some leeway), but impossible if you do it wrong. It’s also not rocket science at all to do it right, and doesn’t rely on twitch muscles or the like. All that you need is to understand the simple mechanics and act according to them. The mechanics are:

  1. The turtle needs to be tranquilized, but not killed. Killing it means failing the mission.
  2. The turtle can be put to sleep by lighting a herbal pouch that is statically placed on the ground.
  3. To light that pouch, you need to kill a fire elemental that spawns occasionally and drops some sort of lighter (because bringing your own source of fire would be too easy, I guess).
  4. The herbal pouch will only produces fumes for a period after lighting it. After that, you will need to rinse and repeat the last step.
  5. To make it go to sleep, the turtle needs to be brought to low health, and close to the fumes. (The herbs are a powerful turtle hypnotic, but do not affect people at all.)
  6. The kidnappers are not happy about your trying to rescue the turtle, so they will heal it and attack you. Occasionally, additional mobs will spawn.
  7. All of this is explained in the introductory text.

Exercise: name at least 5 things that can go wrong with a group that doesn’t read quest texts.

FFXIV First Impressions: Wardrobe

I finally got a beta key for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, a title so long and convoluted that even its abbreviation “FFXIVARR” is unwieldy. Of course, I was also a bit late to the bandwagon, so I can’t really complain about only getting an invite now, in what is probably the last “closed” beta, which is still open enough to be called a stress test, just because “advertisement weekend to whoever wants to check it out” sounds worse. Well, I’m about to write about it, so I guess their scheme worked.

At the moment, I have a 16 Archer / 14 Conjurer / 9 Leatherworker. My idea was to become a bard, which required 30 Archer and 15 Conjurer. I won’t be able to do this over one weekend, of course, so I just played around with the two contributing classes. The archer is nice, though what grates on my with that class is the very simple system of “your weapon defines your class”, which means that you always wield exactly one weapon at any given point in time. Which for an archer, unsurprisingly, is a bow. Which means that most of the time, you spend plinking arrows into a mob point-blank. A sword to go with the bow would have looked so much nicer. Oh well.

The first thing I noticed during character creation is that, this being a Japanese MMO, you have a delightful number of options to create a bona fide Bishōnen. After some experimenting, I came up with something I enjoyed enough to save as a preset. I hope those won’t get wiped at any point before release:

Pink hair? Check. Eye shadow? Check. Bunny ears? Check. Heterochroma iridum? Check. I didn't even realize the tail would be pink and fluffy until I entered the world. Oh well, it's not like it'll diminish his maliness.

Pink hair? Check. Eye shadow? Check. Cat ears? Check. Heterochrome eyes? Check. I didn’t even realize the tail would be pink and fluffy until I entered the world. Oh well, it’s not like it’ll diminish his maliness.

However, you don’t stay in your starter clothes forever. And while the fashion accidents from mismatched starter gear scraped together from whatever quests provide you is a perennial MMO joke, FFXIV seems to have its own versions of this in store. Refreshingly unisex about its approach to armor models, you end up with outfits unseen in western MMOs:

I don't have a problem with men in skirts, but that particular shade of yellow is quite hideous.

I don’t have a problem with men in skirts, but that particular shade of yellow is quite hideous.

Come to think of it, I might switch the eye colors for release. Eye patches seem to cover the green eye and remove that splash of contrast. At some point though, you reach an uncanny valley of a different kind:

My face is up here!

My face is up here!

That is some sort of equal treatment of male and female characters in video games, alright. (Is that absolute territory on a guy?) And while I found that outfit a bit… distracting at first (the back is not covered much more than the chest, in case you wonder), it’s surprising how fast you get used to it. I had to think of Trainspotting, where Renton proclaims “1,000 years from now there will be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me.” And in a way, it sounds fine to me, too. At least in a game like this, which draws its visual influence from a highly stylized manga style. Of course, it’s extremely impractical to go to battle in this, but I guess if healers can cast spells on you that magically heal you without leaving scars, and you can’t die, your armor choices as a character shift towards the comfortable end of the spectrum. FFXIV is far enough removed from any semblances of realism that it somehow fits the world.

I’m interested to see what else the wardrobe has in store for us.

Where have I gone?

The blogosphere (a term that I dislike for reasons I can’t quite pin down) is up for a round of navel-gazing (word of the day: ὀμφαλόσκέψις (omphaloskepsis), a term that I like for reasons I can’t quite pin down). Not in the unhealthy, overly self-absorbed way, simply in the way of talking about itself. A lot of people have the impression that blogging is going through another rough phase. Maybe that’s partially because Google finally shut down its reader after they realized they can’t scare everybody away with sudden arbitrary UI messups, and people are worried what that will mean to the dissemination of their thoughts.

I’m really not too worried about that, considering that I don’t think most of my thoughts are well-disseminated anyway. Not the way the bigwig’s thoughts are, in any case. And that’s just as well, because my flow of posts comes and goes, like rainy season in the Okavango Delta, forming a huge stream that then unceremoniously seeps away in the savannah. (Fun fact: after half a year of almost no posts, recently Feedburner claims my readership count has gone up. Though I’m not convinced that counter is completely trustworthy, I’ve seen it do strange things before.)

Anyway. Where was I? Oh, right. People ask “where have all the bloggers gone?“, (there’s a nice collection of posts at Wilhelm’s blog, someone who seems to deal much better with steady flows of posts) and when I read their posts, I can’t but feel part of the group they’re talking about. Even though I don’t feel like a cowboy at all, which is the image Ravious chose: I’m most definitely one of the bloggers that came and seems to have gone.

I still refuse to acknowledge that fact, though. That’s the reason there hasn’t been a Goodbye post, that’s why I still update this wordpress installation and the plugins (which is probably not noticeable at all from the outside, but I won’t let this site rot). It doesn’t have to do with me thinking that the medium is dying. I still like it, and I haven’t figured out how Facebook, Google+ or (least of all) Twitter could ever replace this method of publishing thoughts.

So, if I actually don’t want to stop writing, why have I? The reason, as often, is simple, mundane, and sounds like a copout, but it’s still true. Let me present my personal hierarchy of needs:

That's how it's supposed to work.

That’s how it’s supposed to work.

The pyramid is simplified, of course. Everybody needs food and sleep, but I skipped air and all those other pesky things you can read about from Maslow. Work sometimes becomes a WoW’s peon’s “Work Work”, and then there’s not much to do about it. I like my job, and it has good fringe benefits (billiard table at work?), but as it often is with jobs that provide a lot of amenities at your work place: they also tend to gobble up a good extra amount of time compared to the average drab cubicle job. Playing games (which again stands in for and has to share its time with other pastimes such as reading) is where it gets interesting, because who wants to blog about work? Or sleep? Food I can see, but that’s a different kind of blog. But of course, to write about games, I need to play games to write about. And for me, following other people’s blogs and reading their posts comes before writing my own posts. Mostly because I guess I don’t feel my posts are that exciting half the time, and I often only get inspiration to write after reading what others wrote. Plus, I’m a selfish bastard and, hey, I already know myself what I want to write, so I’d rather go and absorb other people’s thoughts before divulging mine!

So, what happened a lot this past half year was something like this:

Too much work makes it work how it's not supposed to work.

Too much work makes it work how it’s not supposed to work.

I wasn’t completely overworked to the point where I only knew work and sleep, but it was enough to sap anything more involved than clicking a button a couple of times in a game. Even with reading, I fell behind. Now, of course, it hasn’t been like this for half a year nonstop. That would be horrible. Sometimes, it’s better, like it was recently:

That's somewhat better, but still not quite right...

That’s somewhat better, but still not quite right…

I was able to play a bit, and I even managed to read some blogs again relatively regularly. I’m still ways behind with some of them (Hi, Wilhelm! Hi, HarbingerZero! Hi, MMO Melting Pot! Hi, Syl! Hi, Jester!) and will probably have to do a cut at some point and just skip some old posts. But at least I feel more connected again to what other people are doing and writing about. Still, whenever I sat down to write, either something else came up, or I just stared at a blank screen because I didn’t have the necessary rest and focus to write something of my own.

But when people start asking where everybody went, you have to at least shout that you’re still there. As I said, I still refuse to let this blog die. I’m not sure how much more time I’ll have in the future (I will have to write my actual dissertation document very soon, we’ll see how that much writing effects writing on this blog), but I will try. I actually have a bunch of half-finished posts in the queue. Some are quite old by now, but they will still work once I finish them. What can you expect? Well, I stopped playing EQ2 in the meantime, then started again. There are one or two posts about that in the queue. I also finally got the invite to the FF XIV beta, sadly only now during what looks like the publicity stunt “stress test beta”. But better than nothing, and once I order my thoughts about what I think about the game, I’ll probably have something to say there, too. There’s also some more general stuff about “the state of MMO gaming” which might or might not ever get finished. It seems people enjoy me talking about that, so I’ll try, but at the moment, they are a mess. To get back into the groove, I’ll probably try simple things first.

I’ll do my best.

Online Friendships and Offline Anchors

MMOs and virtual worlds are a strange thing when it comes to social connections. We meet new people, we become friends, sometimes also outside of the game, and sometimes we even marry and have kids.

And then there are the friendships that never make the move out of the game. You might know where someone lives, you might know their first name, but that’s about it. No addresses, no fallback contact possibilities, no offline “anchor”. Are those friendships worth less? I don’t think so. They simply work as friendships, they don’t need other anchors. They come with a risk, though. Let me tell you a story, one that most of you could probably tell in a similar way, by just exchanging names, times, and places.

My first experience with WoW, I have said it before, was in 2005. I had the luck to immediately find a nice guild on the first try. I don’t even know whether I would have kept playing at all had this first guild been a bad choice. But we played together, we had fun together, we spent time on vent talking about all kinds of things. But except for “I’m the German guy who’s living in Japan at the moment”, we never progressed into personal information. If I knew people’s hometowns, that was much. For many of them, I never even knew their real names.

One of my best friends in that guild was a fellow hunter by the name of Zarica. When I had to temporarily retire from the class officer position to focus on exams, I was glad that it was him who took over. When I came back, we kinda did the job together. Zarica lived in a relatively small, relatively winter-sport-touristy town in the Canadian Rockies. I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was Banff. Back then, he worked full-time only during the winter season, and spent the summer working part-time and focusing on his hobbies (which, besides WoW, included things like photography).

At some point he announced that he would soon have to go on a hiatus. He was getting married, and needed to prepare. He said he’d return as soon as possible. You know how the story goes. He never did. The guild went belly up at some point, and the people scattered like dust in the wind.

Why am I writing about that now? This week, I am on a work trip for a couple of days. Just now, I am in Banff. If my memory serves me right, and he hasn’t moved, and a thousand other things that may have happened since then, chances are I am within 5 minutes of his home. We could sit in the same restaurant, stand at the same traffic light, walk past each other in the street.

And neither of us would ever know.

Of course, it can also go differently. On my way back home, I’ll visit another friend I met in WoW, and even though we haven’t played together in years, we’re still in contact. There is a point to be made for disclosure. If only to have a fallback way to contact people.